Boyleing Point

Psychotic ramblings about technology and culture

Post Archive


Our God, the painter

Posted by Luke on the

Filed under religion, spirituality

In celebrating the beauty of creation, I see God, and I celebrate my limitations.

In search of humanity

Posted by Luke on the

Filed under religion, spirituality

When you look at the world today, is it really surprising that people are more aimless and depressed than in all of modern history? Though our material conditions are still leagues ahead of our forebears, we have been completely deracinated and given nothing to aspire to.

I must humble myself

Posted by Luke on the

Filed under religion

A prayer for humility, and a celebration of my insufficiency.

Sweden: a case study in herd immunity

Posted by Luke on the

Filed under politics, economics

Exploring the success of Sweden's no-lockdown policy

On mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations

Posted by Luke on the

Filed under politics, economics

The deadly synthesis of science and politics is nothing new, however, the combination of state enforcement and private profits creates a deadly new concoction unlike any other in modern history.

Book review: Mencken's Conservatism by Benjamin Marks

Posted by Luke on the

Filed under economics, politics, books